Geoff Brock & Bruce Gamble
 Iguazu Falls
  Island Sky

Day 16: At sea in Northern Patagonia

Scenic cruising in the Utarupa, Darwin
and Perez Channels as we head towards Puerto Montt.

Saturday 16th March 2024
By 9:30am we were well and truly in calm waters once again. Since waking up, we had cruised through the beautiful Utarupa and Darwin channels.
At around 11:30am it was announced that we had turned off the main channel to Puerto Montt into the smaller and more scenic Perez Channel.
Despite zooming in, it wasn't clear what was going on here.
Ship's position at 14:10
Ship's position at 21:45
What would a day at sea be without an indulgent spread for afternoon tea?
A recap of our route last night and today. Tomorrow we should be able to disembark at Puerto Montt.
©Geoff Brock and Bruce Gamble