Geoff Brock & Bruce Gamble
 Iguazu Falls
  Island Sky

Mar 2024: Patagonia & Iguazu Falls

1st - 21st March 2024



Bruce visited Patagonia briefly in 2018 during his Antarctica trip and again in 2023 when it was the starting point for his Remote Atlantic Islands voyage. On both occasions he felt he wanted to see more of the region itself and managed to convince Geoff to join him on this trip. Because Geoff had never been to Argentina or Chile, we jointly decided that a visit to the Iguazu Falls wasn't to be missed. Bruce was quite happy to see the falls for a second time and this proved to be a real highlight.


We wouldn’t rate the main part of the trip as the best we have ever done. Disappointingly cool and very wet weather almost throughout was the overriding factor and one which was obviously beyond everybody's control. We were delayed by high winds and heavy seas in the Pacific and we missed three of the scheduled stops as a result.

Having said all that we did have some amazing experiences and saw some amazing sights. The Captain and the expedition team, assisted by two full-time Chilean pilots, worked very hard in the background to take us to alternative fjords and villages at very short notice, which was very much appreciated. Bruce was able to enjoy the trip more than Geoff, who isn't too keen on Zodiacs because, apart from the departure port and the arrival port, they were the only way to get on or off the ship.

We enjoyed our brief time in Buenos Aires beforehand and in Santiago afterwards and wish we had had more time in both cities. Finally, we met some very nice people on the trip, particularly Eveline and Peter from Zurich, as well as Lesley and John from Yorkshire.

The intended route map, as per the brochure (excluding Iguazu Falls).
This was the route actually taken by the ship. We weren't able to visit Punta Arenas, Chiloe Island or Valdivia because of delays caused by poor weather and the need to make up time. The cruise ended in San Antonio, just south of Valparaiso, but that was for purely logistical reasons and made no difference to the overall plans.
©Geoff Brock and Bruce Gamble