Geoff Brock & Bruce Gamble

Day 12 - Gough Island (Tristan group)

Friday 7th April 2023
We awoke to the magnificent sight of Gough Island looming on the horizon. There were hundreds of birds in the sky, swooping, diving and showing off. Most people remained on deck for two or more hours, calling out the bird species to one another and generally getting very excited to see local variants of birds they knew. I took dozens of photos, but only a few of them were any good and none of them were really good. When we reached a safe anchorage point, we embarked on a three hour zodiac cruise which brought us up close to the inhabitants of the island. Extreme bio-security precautions meant that we couldn't go ashore, but actually, we didn't need to. What we saw from the little boats was just as good. Cloud gave way to sunshine and by late afternoon, the weather was beautiful.
This couple were making a documentary for a German television channel. Later on in the trip, we saw an example of his previous work on Tristan da Cunha, which was really good.
This photo was posted on social media, tagged with the ship's name, which is how I came across it. It was posted by a member of the research /weather station on the island, with a caption stating that our visit had made their day. They clearly get very few visitors and it was quite sad that we couldn't actually meet them.
I happened to be in a zodiac driven by our expedition leader Martin. Shortly after setting off, there was a technical problem with the fuel supply to the engine and after several unsuccessful attempts at resolving it, we all had to climb across to a replacement zodiac, helped by expedition member Chris.
This lovely photo was taken by my friend Gregor.
©Geoff Brock and Bruce Gamble