Geoff Brock & Bruce Gamble
S.W. Iceland
W. Iceland
N.W. Iceland
N. Iceland
E. Iceland
S.E. Iceland
Faroe Islands

Day 9: The East: Mjóifjörður & Norðfjörður (Neskaupstaður)

A morning cruise to the head of Mjóifjörður and out again, followed by a short cruise into Norðfjörður to visit the town of Neskaupstaður.

Saturday 17th June 2023
After sailing only short distances for three days while we explored the northern region, last night we had to cover quite some distance to get us to the Eastern Fjord region. Instead of finding ourselves in a port when we work up this morning, we were still very much at sea.
Fourteen hours after leaving Húsavík, we sailed into Mjóifjörður at 10:00am. The beautiful weather and calm seas had been with us all the way.
A more detailed map of Mjóifjörður. Between 10:00am and 1:00pm, we cruised the full length of the fjord and back again. During lunch, we sailed the short distance into the next fjord, Norðfjörður and docked at the charming town of Neskaupstaður.
Approaching the opening into Mjóifjörður.
We sailed past the tiny settlement bearing the same name as the fjord.
Approaching the head of Mjóifjörður.
The remains of a WW2 US Navy Landing Craft Mechanized (LCM). Some farmers acquired it after the war and transported it here. It was used for many years, but was then left to rust.
We opted for "independent exploration" of Neskaupstaður.
Security checks at the ship were pretty informal. The man in charge was vigilent but also working on his tan.
Bruce took another stroll in the late afternoon. This was the hottest day so far.
Departing at around 7:30pm. We had really enjoyed the more relaxed day today.
©Geoff Brock and Bruce Gamble