Geoff Brock & Bruce Gamble

Villa Romana del Casale (near Piazza Armerina) from the port of Licata

Monday 15th May 2017
Port of Licata
Taken from the coach: Piazza Armerina - near the Villa
The praefurnia are the ovens for the thermal baths
The Tablinum is the entrance to peristyle and the main parts of the Villa Romana del Casale.
The Peristyle
The entrance to the baths
Room of the Seasons
The Room of the Fishing Cupids
The Corridor of the Great Hunt
The Great Basilica is midway along the very long Corridor of the Great Hunt. The mosiacs in the corridor depict how wild animals, from the most distant parts of the empire, are captured and transported by ship to the centre, where Rome is located.
What happens next, we wonder, when the elephant takes a step into the little boat on its way to Rome?
The Room with Girls in Bikinis
The Cubicle of Children Hunting
Atrium of the Fishing Cupids
The Cubicle with Erotic Mosaic
After the visit, we were taken for lunch at the estate of Feudo Principi di Butera.
Neil, Bruce, prosecco and more canoli.
After lunch, a tour of the wine cellar, quite deep underground.
The kids turned out to wave us goodbye before we left the port.
Departing from the port of Licata
Next stop - Porto Empedocle
©Geoff Brock and Bruce Gamble