Geoff Brock & Bruce Gamble

Mali Losinj to Rovinj + Bale

Thursday 21st September 2023
An early departure from Mali Losinj. The weather wasn't looking too encouraging and we were advised that our plans for today would have to be altered.
We should have sailed from Mali Losinj to the town of Cres (on the island of Cres) and stayed there overnight. Due to strong wind in the forecast, our captain decided that the port was too exposed and that although we might have been able to get into it today, getting back out again in the morning might not have been possible. Instead, we would sail directly to Rovinj, our next planned port, where we would spend two nights instead of the one that was on our itinerary.
The Porer lighthouse was built in 1833 on an islet of the same name and is 35 metres high. It is situated a mile and a half southwest of the southernmost cape of Istria - Kamenjak.
Rovinj. Our first impressions were good.
From our docking location, we could see the luxury Grand Park Hotel, known to some passengers because it was once featured on a television programme, Life Beyond the Lobby (which we hadn't seen).
Our cruise director, Carolyn, had worked hard in the background to come up with extra activities for us, given that we were in Rovinj for an extra day. She came up with two. The first was a visit to "Agrorovinj", a co-operative for a variety of food and wine producers in Istria. We started with a wine tasting, which was nice and then went on to quite a lengthy explanation/demonstration, where we were introduced to traditional "Istarksa supa". Transalated as "Istrian soup" we thought it was more like mulled wine served with bread. Not to everybody's taste (including ours), but it is authentically and proudly Istrian.
The wine tasting... local wines only. We didn't buy any.
We then gathered for the "Istarksa supa" ritual.
We weren't sold on the product...
...and we didn't buy the kit to replicate the experience at home!
We did, however, appreciate the historic location and the enthusiasm of the local guide.
The second spontaneously arranged activity involved a coach trip to the town of Bale, in the Istrian countryside. Geoff decided not to go, so he spent time walking around Rovinj to get his bearings and to seek out a suitable restaurant for tomorrow evening.
Bruce decided to go with the group on the relatively short drive to the town of Bale. Both of us enjoyed our different afternoon's activities.
This was quite a find. No security, no entrance fee, no queues, just some 15th century frescoes.
A short walk from the town centre we visited a small, local olive oil producer, where we were given a tasting. It was similar to one we had been to in Andalucia two years ago. I remembered the "catch in the throat" tasting experience then and it was repeated today!
Back to the ship in Rovinj at the end of the tour.
The day had been really warm and we were looking to having a barbeque on the top deck.
A fairly brisk, cool wind didn't prevent us from enjoying the meal.
We were happy to be here a day earlier than planned. There would be plenty more to see tomorrow.
©Geoff Brock and Bruce Gamble